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What makes a great music teacher?

Allowing students to explore and understand themselves through others:

Learning about and exploring others is essential to learning about and discovering ourselves. I cannot think of a better platform for these discoveries than the performing arts. Music, drama, and dance are pathways into our cultures, both past and present. It is essential for students to study and appreciate the performing arts in order to grow in inquiry, appreciate themselves, and step out of their own boundaries to become the most diverse young people, able to shape our future world. Movement is essential in music class, as students of all ages build coordination and ensemble skills. 



Following a true vocation and instilling a love of learning in students:

I knew from an early age that being a music educator was not only my dream, but also my vocation. With simple goals of instilling an appreciation for this phenomenal multi-cultural art form, allowing students to discover themselves through exploring others, and guiding students to find their own artistic path, I have become a dynamic music teacher who is committed to students of all ages. The arts belong to everyone--I believe in encouraging appreciation of diversity, understanding of styles, and creating expression.


Creating a safe, student-centered classroom:

Having taught all grade levels from Pre-school to Grade 12, I have the seen how children grow throughout their education. Student voice is the guide in our class, no matter the age. Creating an environment that gives space to those who require it, a challenge to those who excel, and special care to those in need is an art in itself---together as a class, we create a positive environment. Our classroom can be described as a safe-environment with room for students to grow as individuals, where creativity and student exploration take center stage. 


Meeting the needs of all students, in all grades, with passion and compassion:

There are so many wonderful forms of music and so many fantastic experiences for students. Having taught secondary choral/general music in the Massachusetts public school system, I have seen the power that a positive choral experience has on students. Teaching primary school general music has proven to be equally rewarding as I observe students discovering the magic of music and the power of their own voice in this ever-changing world.  Throughout my career, I have learned that a carefully planned, layered approach to teaching any age allows for students to grasp skills and explore concepts in the most effective way. Backwards design and spiral curriculum planning helps to ensure that students create and explore information with connections.

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